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Game and Web Page

    7/14/99-Added page "Tyria - Home" and the blank link pages. Hopefully those wont be so blank for long. My projection for the launching date of this game as of now: September 5, 1999...but we'll see.
    7/28/99-Added page "History of Tyira" !! Woohoo! Im getting there. The next page up will probably be the maps page. Projected Launching Date As of Now: Still the same.
    9/14/99-Phew...sorry I havent really updated this thing very much lately. Ive been kind of tied up with a lot of things. Anyhow, I made a few changes to the appearance of the site, added the maps section, added the long awaited MIDI files...tell me what ya think about those, and I also added a little something down at the bottom of the page :). Oh, I also added the font that makes this page look cool, try it. Projected Launching Date As of Now: Ummm....uhhh...I cant make any promises.
    10/17/99-WOW! What a big deal it is to move servers. Shees...ok well, youll find that links actually do WORK now for once. I added a message board for contact. I cant really predict a luanching date until I finish with the rules...and only God knows how long that might take. But hang on though...this page is really on its way now, :).


I guess right now its not super important. But if you have comments or questions...this is where you can send them.

Message Board
This board is to serve the purpose of making public comments on the game and site. I'd really appreciate some extra feed back so make sure you all use it.
*Players are strictly forbidden to post information about events or* *actions within the game. Only I, the GM will determine what* *information about the game is to be made public.*

Access Board Here

The Font
Ok, here's what you do. Just download this file into the windows/fonts directory and when you restart your browser you SHOULD be able to see it. Do this at your own risk but I must say it does look nice with this particluar file.
 Nosferatu Font

Hey Guess What!!!